We just returned from a wonderful week of vacation in St. Augustine, FL with Dana and Scott. The sand and sun were warm, and the ocean was a perfect temperature, refreshing. The kids and men spent mornings on the beach boggie boarding, swimming, and building sand castles (See above.) while Dana and I walked on the beach and vegged in our lounge chairs. A particularly great picture of her vegging with her "baby bump" is below. The men even woke up early a few mornings to surf.
In the afternoons, we walked through the old city, played mini-golf, shopped, layed by the pool and swam, and ate at wonderful restaurants. Tim and I even took Zach on one of the ghost tours one evening. We had fun listening to the stories and taking photos with our camera phone, but no spirits appeared...that we know of.
We've been going on vacation with Dana and Scott for five years now, (We did skip a year.) and the best part is just spending time with each other. Although we keep in touch via emails and telephone calls during the year and see each other briefly on holidays, it's a wonderful chunk of time for us to reconnect. This year was especially fun with Dana expecting. She looks beautiful and, as long as she ate often and on time, she was happy. I can't wait for the arrival of my niece or nephew. I know Dana and Scott will make the best parents.
From Hannah:
The alligator farm was the best! Maximo was a lazy crocodile. I got a stuffed crocodile at the gift shop named maximo. Plus, I got a webkinz for winning the coloring contest ( I gave it to Zach since I already hade a basset hound.) But I got a webkinz dalmation named Amanda.
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